Brazen Unethical Race Hustling Liars Are Enemies of the People!

Steve Witherspoon
3 min readAug 15, 2021

The case of unethical propaganda infecting rot in our culture created by unethical race hustling liars.

Jonathan Turley tells us in his blog post that “Bryn Mawr College Professor Declares America a “Failed Experiment” Created Just “For White People”, that professor is Chanelle Wilson.

This unethical and verifiably false trash is the kind of false narrative that these USA hating social justice warriors feel fully justified to spew to push on Universities and we the people since they think we’re equally brainwashed as they are or intimidated to keep our mouths shut. Chanelle Wilson knows good and well that any opposition to her trash will be tarred as racist because that’s what progressives and social justice warriors do. Opposition to their hive mind is evil and her lies will be accepted as settled “fact”. Chanelle Wilson’s willingness to publicly spew this propaganda trash and the willingness of people to jump on her all white people and the United States of America are racists bandwagon is signature significant that the Critical Race Theory brainwashing totalitarian ROT is already a wide-spread malignant cancer in our society.

Remember Barack Obama’s words calling “progressive” activists to action during his Presidential campaign in 2008?.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

Presidential Candidate Barack Obama 2008

Well folks here we have a irrational SJW (aka progressive activist) that’s wants to fundamentally change the USA based on Critical Race Theory trash, pure propaganda lies, and they’re doing everything they can to implement their irrational “social justice” changes. So-called “progressives” and SJW’s ideology is an enemy to everything that makes the USA what it is, both the ideology and those that push it have become an enemy of the people!

How do you like the “change” that Obama inspired?

Now let’s show you some facts about Chanelle Wilson.

Chanelle Wilson
Assistant Professor of Education

Ed.D., Educational Leadership, University of Delaware
Ed.M., Urban Education, Temple University
B.A., Secondary Education, Rowan University
B.A., English, Rowan University

Detailed Biography
Chanelle Wilson is an assistant professor of education in the Bryn Mawr/Haverford Colleges Education Program, and the director of Africana Studies at Bryn Mawr College. Chanelle has served as a public school practitioner, teaching secondary education students, in the U.S. and around the world. She enjoys facilitating knowledge in a way that encourages personal connections, promotes critical thinking, highlights contemporary relevance, and necessitates justice. Her current scholarship focuses on race and anti-racism in education, decolonization of schools and the mind, students as teachers and learners, culturally relevant pedagogy in international schooling contexts, and multicultural education in K-12 settings. Chanelle has a passion for using research to improve the educational experiences of marginalized groups, promoting equity and critical race-focused conversations: her life’s goal is to rethink, reimagine, and revolutionize education to meet the needs of all children.

Chanelle Wilson is a black woman that has literally taken advantage of the equal opportunities afforded her in the United States of America, earned herself two Bachelor Degrees, one Masters Degree in Education and one Doctorate Degree in Education and then risen through the ranks to become an Assistant Professor and an affluent all-women’s College here in the United States of America.

Those are the facts about Chanelle Wilson as I see them.

Here is my opinion of Chanelle Wilson.
HOW DARE this unethical race hustling hypocritical woman make claims that the United States is a “failed experiment” created just “for White people” when she is literally a direct product of a system that proves her own claim to be utterly FALSE! Wilson is a black woman that’s literally living the American Dream in every way and she chooses to be an unethical race hustling hypocritical LIAR! Wilson, those that support her kind of rhetoric and their anti-American ideology are enemies to the core principles that founded the United States of America and therefore enemies of the people. Can our society survive this kind of irrational assault from these brazen liars on its culture and its people, I really don’t know.

The brazen race hustling hypocrisy of these liars is absolutely astounding!

